Municipal data hackathon focused on Johannesburg. Complaining about Johannesburg service delivery is a suburban trait. The Hack Hackers chapter of Johannesburg is doing something more than just whining – they looking at the available data and through that working out ways to make Johannesburg work. Please register for the event.
Municipal data matters: from finances to service delivery, the numbers provide infinite story potential. Join us as we hack municipal data on service delivery and then use it to create minimum viable products by the end of the day
Paul Berkowitz* from Citydex will deliver the keynote address, Municipal data – gaps in the data and gaps in our knowledge, before we get down to the serious business of brainstorming & coding.
Please fill out our registration form, so that we know which skill sets you’ll be bringing to the hackathon.
9am to 9.30am: Welcome registration and coffee
9.30am to 10am: Paul delivers keynote address
10am to 10.45am: Brainstorming & ideation
Coffee break
11am to 11.30am: Round-up of & voting on ideas; form groups
11am to 1pm: Groups work on projects
1.30pm to 2.30pm: Groups continue to work on projects
2.30pm to 3.30pm: Plenary session and report back* Paul Berkowitz is a consultant at Citydex (part of Empowerdex), who eats, sleeps & breathes municipal data. In his “free” time, Paul also writes for Daily Maverick.