Seed Engine – Rare opportunity for South African Startups

Getting  venture capital funding is a rare opportunity for South African startups.  The ideal situation for early stage companies seeking funding would have the following:

  1. Some funding (without losing a massive chunk of equity based on a fair valuation) and support;
  2. Mentorship and coaching;  and
  3. Networking with other funding opportunities and hard-to-reach networks.

They are opening a new round of applications on the 1 September 2013. Our advise is that you arrive early and take time to carefully fill out the form early. Demand is likely to be great.

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Daily Maverick Offering Free Online Advertising to Small Business

An Unashamedly SMME Friendly Publication
The Daily Maverick   is offering free online advertising to qualifying small businesses. The Daily Maverick is one of the premier news and analysis websites in South Africa. Advertising on the site will put small businesses into contact with an audience composed mostly of higher income, professionals – who actually spend their time on the Daily Maverick. The Daily Maverick is now offering selected small businesses an opportunity to advertise for free.

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